Friday, May 3, 2013

Nacho Mayhem!

Well, it appears that I purchased way too many tortillas! I am just not good at that whole weights and measures thing, and it was easier just to ask for what he had just put on the scale than try to figure out how much I would actually need!

The tacos El Dorada I made with them turned out quite nice, but then I made the fatal mistake of putting the tortillas in the refrigerator! Apparently this is not quite an issue if you have an oven of some sort (microwave or conventional), but as I do not, this turned out to be the end of my taco making possibilities with these particular tortillas. At a loss for what to do, I left them out over night to see if that would help.

Of course it didn't seem to, at least not much. I decided on the spur of the moment to attempt to just turn them into chips! Nachos Jason style!! Not having most of what one should probably have (ie knowledge, equipment), I proceeded with reckless abandon. I managed to get oil everywhere, burn the index and middle fingers on both of my hands, and end up with rather bland chips. I could have added salt but didn't think about that until after I was finished, and a bit of lime would have really perked things up as well.

Almost ready to eat!
My nachos waiting for additions!

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