Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Test anxiety!

The students had what one would think was the final test they will ever get to take, and the score of which would determine the outcome of the rest of their life. In reality it is an important test: they need to reach a certain score before they will be allowed to start pilot training, but the scores they received are generally in the range they are supposed to be for the books they are in. They were, however, devastated that they didn't get the 80 they are working so hard for (at least most of them are working hard for).

We have a lot of ideas in the works to help them out, but it is difficult to get them to believe that what they have been doing previously is actually not very helpful in the grand scheme of language learning. They want an easy way, and anyone who can give it to them is the one they are going to listen to.

We have finally received a bookshelf type piece of furniture and large stable tables for the classrooms! Hopefully these will serve their purpose quite well. The students are still not really listening. They have an idea of how things should be done, and they proceed that way no matter what I say! I explain something both verbally and on the board, and the very next thing they ask is the very question I just addressed! Talk about frustrating....

I am learning a lot as well! Eating with the students and also sitting and talking with them outside of class has lead to some interesting conversations and lots of joking! Sometimes I am wonder if I am doing the right thing by joking with them and such, especially as I am their teacher, but it would be difficult not to since we live together and have few other outlets. I rationalize away any possible problems by saying that they students have a positive attitude toward it, use English during this time, and actually participate! I think that these are all huge positives in the language learning dynamic. I hope that it doesn't affect the classroom itself in any negative way.

I am still going strong. I have my good days and my bad days like everywhere else. I am learning about all the things that need to be done as I am the assistant site lead and will be taking over for 2-3 weeks when the site lead is away on R&R. I guess I will finally get the chance to be the one completely in charge and overseeing a program that includes 3 Afghan teachers! It is going to be very strange, but a very good experience, I am sure! As always, more to come later.


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