Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A tiring day at the bazaar!

I usually get off work at 5pm. Yesterday, however, was sort of an exception. One of the students asked the other teacher if she wanted to go out shopping. The other teacher responded that we didn't get off until 5pm which was too late for the student. The teacher asked the student to ask the dean if she could go. The dean said that if she promised to use English, then we could all go and call it an educational field trip!!! YAY for understanding deans!

So, the three of us went to the bazaar. We looked at more clothes and shoes and bags/purses than I ever thought possible! We walked through the overcrowded walkways to the too small stores to see things that were mostly not worth buying. It would have been a lot more fun if I didn't have to lug around my heavy backpack for all this time as well!

Finally they said we were done. All that was left to do was cross the street to get some ice cream. Alas, what do we find on the other side of the street? More shops!! ARG!!! When will it all come to an end? I finally convince them that it is ice cream time. We get our soft serve ice cream in paper cups to go; we catch a cab and go home. When I arrive, I have a huge headache. We were shopping for about 2 hours, and I was exhausted. I lay down on the couch and fell asleep, sort of. After about an hour or two of that, I decided that it was time to actually go to bed. So, I went to bed and didn't wake up until 5:45am! I felt wonderful except for the soreness from carrying my backpack.

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