Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Sleepy Saturday!

Saturdays are not meant for work, yet here I am working on Saturdays! We were given hope that we would no longer have to actually teach on Saturday, but that has been eliminated as a possibility :( This Saturday was especially tiring because it is the first one where I had to teach, and the picnic last night kept me out until 10pm!

The students mostly didn't do their homework, but that is alright. I don't even know if I care if they do it or not. I think one of them complained about me to the dean this afternoon, but I am really not quite sure. I hope they don't think I am doing a bad job. Though it would be better if I knew if it is something they would actually tell me... They have no problem telling my coworker, but I am not sure if that is the personality of the people or something about her or what.

When I got home this afternoon, I took a nap for a couple of hours, and then I corrected the tests that I have. My coworker has some of the others, so I can't get the scores of them all, but it looks like most of them are improvements over the previous ones. This is good, but I am worried about when we finally start getting the ones that the company makes. They will have little chance for the partial points that we give them...though it will all be bubbles, so there won't be the possibility anyway'

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