Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Can I speak Kurdish?

So, the quiz night was wonderful! My team tied for 1st (we were on fire, the questions were right up my alley), but it was decided that we needed to do a tie breaking question. My team got this question almost immediately. The other team too what seemed like forever to answer, but they also got it right (time should have been called :P ). Then the next, and final tie breaking question: The PGA decided on the maximum weight a golf ball could be. What is that weight? Come on! Who knows this stuff? Golfers might, but I do not golf, and I do not know anyone who is really serious about golfing. Neither team had a clue, so we just put down numbers. There guess was closer than ours, so they got the money. Oh well, I was still very happy with the night.

Yesterday morning went well, at least I think it did; I really don't recall much about it. It is amazing how much all the days seem to come together and turn into mush! I do remember, however, trying to teach phrasal verbs and plurals. It was supposed to be review, but it seems they forget everything, even the parts they add to the class. So, I in review for "to talk someone into" I brought up the idea of being hesitant. In Kurdish, hesitant is "doodle" (pronunciation not spelling). They were surprised that I knew this, even though it was them who taught me! In the other class, the students didn't know the plural of "cloud". This is regular, so fairly easy. "Clouds. The plural is clouds. ds, ds, ds." I felt emphasizing the last /ds/ sound would keep them from adding a vowel between them. As it turned out /ds/ is actually the word "theif" is Kurdish. I suppose I can now figure out if the adjectives come before or after the nouns and say hesitant theif in Kurdish...and perhaps something about a watermelon as well (shifty). The shifty doodle expelled air "ds". Ok, so going from one language to another using false cognates is not a good idea, but it is fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! This is hilarious AND great! Oh, what adventures you're having, Jason! :)
