Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ahh...the Pain!

Now that I am back from vacation, I have to get back into work mode. I am not so sure I was ready for work on Wednesday and Thursday, but it went alright. I have been exhausted, and I did nothing all day yesterday. But I feel much better about things here since I left.

Of course, I have to write a little about my vacation, but I am having a bit of a problem concentrating. I am having severe tooth pain. It seems that my wisdom tooth is pushing on my others; perhaps it wasn't so wise to keep it in. It has been causing headaches as well.

My roommate's brother is a dentist, so perhaps the beginning of next month, I can go to him and get this taken care of. I hope that it isn't too expensive; there is just no way that I can take this pain for too much longer.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain on that! I need to get a root canal in one of my molars, and have to go to another city to get it done, with school being soo busy it's hard to find time to drive for an hour to get dentist work done. I will have to get it done at the end of may.
